
  • NetDrive
    OS/Tool 2013. 8. 28. 13:54
    NetDrive 쓰면 폴더 처럼 사용가능해서 편리함.
    다운로드 받아서 하셈 ㅋㅋ 랭귀지 한국어로 바꾸어 쓸수있음.
    새사이트 누르고 다음과 같이 설정




    [News] NetDrive v1.3.4 released (2/27/2013) - Windows8 support and a bug fix regarding ftp connection


    Mount as hard disk

    A drive letter will be mapped and you can manage or transfer files and folders by drag and drop in Windows explorers. NetDrive supports direct file operation in mapped drive, so you can run executable files, view photos and documents, play videos and music in remote server without full download.

    Secure file transfer

    NetDrive supports secure file transfer using FTP over SSL, SFTP using SSH2, HTTPS for WebDAV connection. You can confiture it in "Advanced' menu. You can also change the character encoding if you have broken characters in mapped drive.



    연결 하기 전에
    고급 탭을 눌러 인코딩을 UTF-8로 교체해줌. 안그럼 글자 깨져서 나옴

    'OS > Tool' 카테고리의 다른 글

    [이클립스] 코멘트 상세 셋팅  (0) 2013.09.10
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